MAGIAN World Class Tennis
The Official Website Of World Class Coach Morris King, Jr.
>>> MORRIS KING JR. - The Tennis Bio <<<
World Class Coach Morris King, Jr. & Richard Williams. Morris King, Jr. is the former Advisory Coach of the Williams Sisters through their father during their early pro careers.

Serena Williams

Coach Morris King, Jr., MAGIAN student/player Amer Delic, Amer's father & friends at Bollettieri Academy tournament.
World Class Coach Morris King, Jr. & Richard Williams. Morris King, Jr. is the former Advisory Coach of the Williams Sisters through their father during their early pro careers.
The ONLY interview that Richard Williams has EVER given to the press regarding another coach - Morris King Jr. - taking over the coaching of his history making and champion daughters. View article at

Article that announces that Morris King, Jr. agreed to an advisory coaching role. View article at

World class coach Morris King, Jr. and MAGIAN student/player Amer Delic (then 14) after having won an 18s tournament.
The ONLY interview that Richard Williams has EVER given to the press regarding another coach - Morris King Jr. - taking over the coaching of his history making and champion daughters. View article at